Full Name: Nguyen Viet Hoang (Nguyễn Viết Hoàng)
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1977
Place of birth: Phu Tho
Registered place of permanent residency: Thanh Son townlet, Thanh Son district, Phu Tho, Vietnam
Nationality: Vietnamese
Ethnicity: Kinh
Father: Huy
Mother: Sinh
Charge(s): Murder
Category of offense: Criminal
Domain of the wanted notice: International
Wanted level: International
Wanted Notice: No.75 dated March 12, 2002
Issued by: Police of Thanh Son district, the Phu Tho Provincial Police
International Wanted Notice dated: December 12, 2013
International record: A-8066/12-2013
Regions/Countries likely to be visited: China