MPS holds workshops on gender-sensitive investigation

October, 17 2024
MPS - The Department of Foreign Relations under the Ministry of Public Security (MPS) in coordination with the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) organized training workshops on “Gender-sensitive investigation of cases of violence against women and human trafficking”, from October 8th-9th in Dien Bien province and from October 15th-16th in Da Nang city.

The training workshop was within the framework of the “UNiTE to End Violence against Women” Campaign by UN Women, and 2024’s program is the second consecutive year that the Department of Foreign Affairs under MPS has coordinated with UN Women to implement this program.

UN Women experts share related issues at the workshop.
UN Women experts share related issues at the workshop.

The workshop was attended by leading experts from UN Women, representatives from the Criminal Police Department under MPS and the People’s Police Academy and 80 frontline officers from 33 provinces and cities.

At the workshop, experts and delegates discussed principles and methods of supporting and protecting victims of violence and human trafficking as well as procedures for the gender-sensitive investigation of cases of violence against women and human trafficking.

Delegates participate in workshop in Dien Bien.
Delegates participate in workshop in Dien Bien.

Through discussions of case studies, delegates got a deeper insight into gender-based violence against women and children and the need for the gender-sensitive investigation.

According to the National Study on Violence Against Women, gender-based violence costs the Vietnamese economy up to 1.8% of GDP every year.

Delegate participate in workshop in Da Nang.
Delegate participate in workshop in Da Nang.

However, victims of 90% of the cases of violence against women by husbands and partners remain silent. Women do not dare to report on their cases or speak up for justice because investigation and prosecution procedures have not yet ensured gender sensitivity, so it is needed to adopt a victim-centered approach prioritizing their safety and essential needs. Women should not be condemned, criticized and blamed for being victims of violence and human trafficking.

Since 2022, MPS has coordinated with UN Women to draft two sets of guiding documents and organize 4 workshops for hundreds of police officers from provinces and cities nationwide.

In 2024, MPS continues to coordinate with UN Women to organize similar workshops, while expanding the target audience to a larger number of frontline officers from police departments of provinces and centrally-run cities, who play a key role in preventing gender-based violence and human trafficking.

Delegates have exchanges with Pioneer Men Clubs for the Advancement of Women.
Delegates have exchanges with Pioneer Men Clubs for the Advancement of Women.

On the sidelines of the workshop, delegates had exchanges with the Pioneer Men Clubs for the Advancement of Women of the Dien Bien District Police Station and the Da Nang City Police Department, to better comprehend practical approaches to protect women from violence and trafficking.

The success of the workshop is of great significance in the context of MPS implementing the National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security for the 2024 – 2030 period.

By Hong Giang